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Eugene Boyle was born and raised in the South China Sea and now claims the Treasure Valley in the Gem State as his home. Eugene is a son, a brother, a friend, a husband, a father, a grandfather and a Peaceful Warrior. Eugene is currently producing a one hour color / feature television show for a local broadcast affiliate.

Eugene Boyle's Bio:

Some interesting or at least odd details about Eugene Boyle: My best friend back in grade school was Lou Diamond Phillips of "La Bamba" fame. My default setting is lonely. A&W is the ONLY root beer. Some people claim that I think I'm always right. Not true! One time I thought I had made a mistake - I was wrong. I am a Navy brat. I was born on USNS Sangley Pt. (an overseas US Naval base) Republic of the Philippines. My Mom is a Filipina and my Pop is Irish (from Brooklyn, New York). We have lived in Boise off and on since 1967. Although I have traveled all over the world and lived in a number of states and foreign countries, The Treasure Valley is my 1st pick for raising a family. I graduated from Meridian High School in 1980. I did a two year stint in the Army (intelligence - no pun intended :) and was posted at Diogenes Station in Sinop Turkey. TEN THINGS YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME: 1. Eugene Boyle is very proud of his family, both immediate and extended. 2. One Eugene Boyle's best friends died suddenly in his home in 2006 and his outlook about everything has changed since then. 3. Eugene Boyle used to live with and was kept by a wealthy stripper in Boston. 4. Eugene Boyle was once thrown into a Turkish prison (dirt floors and blood on the walls) and was held there for a day. 5. Eugene Boyle's best friend growing up in the Philippines was Lou Diamond Phillips. 6. IEugene Boyle fell out of a car going about 35 miles per hour. 7.  Eugene Boyle flipped over a tractor trailer (18 wheeler) while going around a tight curve. 8. In college, Eugene Boyle did aerial photography for the EPA. "One night the pilot let me fly while he took a nap. We hit a storm front and I couldn’t wake him up. I got air sick for the first time." 9. Eugene Boyle has been on nearly every ship and 2 submarines in the 7th fleet including the Constellation. 10. Eugene Boyle was at Clark Air Force Base on the runway to greet the Vietnam POW'€™s when they were released.

Eugene Boyle's Experience:

Eugene Boyle's Education:

Eugene Boyle's Interests & Activities:

Eugene Boyle likes books, computers, boating, camping, adventure, travel, fitness, nutrition, health, friends, personal and spiritual development, media production

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